Monday, March 18, 2019

Acupuncture for Headaches - Electronic acupuncture for self-care

One of the most common complaints that I see in my Acupuncture practice is chronic headache or migraine. Although acupuncture is (in my opinion) the best treatment for headaches, acupressure also has a great effect and can be done at home. The pattern differentiation for these types of headaches may involve any number of organ systems but almost always the Gallbladder meridian is affected.

Acupressure is just one of a number of Asian bodywork therapies (ABT) with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Examples of other Asian bodywork therapies are medical qigong and Tuina. Shiatsu is a Japanese form of acupressure.

Traditional Chinese medical theory describes special acupoints, or acupressure points, that lie along meridians, or channels, in your body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture. It is believed that through these invisible channels flows vital energy -- or a life force called qi (ch'i). It is also believed that these 12 major meridians connect specific organs or networks of organs, organizing a system of communication throughout your body. The meridians begin at your fingertips, connect to your brain, and then connect to an organ associated with a certain meridian.

According to this theory, when one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness can occur. Acupressure and acupuncture are among the types of TCM that are thought to help restore balance.

Acupressure to Heal Migraine - 6 Most Important Regions to Relieve Migraine and Headaches

Acupressure as a complimentary and alternative treatment to migraine headaches: an introduction

Acupressure is a technique from traditional Chinese medicine that many people use for relief from pain. Some people with migraine get relief from their symptoms using acupressure. Sometimes called pressure acupuncture or acupuncture without needles, acupressure involves applying pressure to strategic points on the body (the same points used in acupuncture, in which thin needles are placed on the points).

In traditional Chinese medicine, the energy flow or life force, known as qi or chi (pronounced “chee”) flows through the body in meridians, or pathways. By applying pressure at specific points on these meridians, it is believed that the body’s natural energy flow will be rebalanced and symptoms of disease can be relieved. The pressure may be given using devices but is most often applied with fingers. Acupressure can be done by a practitioner, or it can be self-administered.

Acupressure is often used for different forms of nausea and vomiting, such as nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy, pregnancy, surgery and motion sickness.

Does acupressure help migraine headaches?

hose that practice traditional Chinese medicine believe acupressure relieves pain, including migraine symptoms by targeting those specific meridians. Other researchers and doctors believe migraines are relieved because the acupressure improves circulation, relieves stress, reduces tension and possibly releases the body’s natural pain killers called endorphins.

One small study that evaluated the Nei Guan point for nausea with migraine found that women who wore a wristband commonly used for motion sickness (SeaBand) that applies consistent pressure to this acupressure point had significantly less nausea than women who did not use the wristband.

Another study compared the use of several acupressure points or muscle relaxers for chronic headaches. Researchers found that one month of acupressure was more effective than one month of treatment with muscle relaxers for easing chronic headaches, and these benefits sustained for six months after treatment.

Acupressure points for migraine headaches

Acupressure points for migraine headaches
Several acupressure points are believed to help relieve migraine, including:

  • Gallbladder 20 or Feng Chi is commonly used for migraine, headache, eye blurriness, fatigue, low energy, and flu; it is found by following the bone of the skull from behind the ears to where the neck muscles attach (two points on either side of the neck).
  • Gallbladder 21 or Jian Jing is commonly used for headaches, shoulder tension, and neck pain. It should not be used in pregnant women as it may induce labor. It is located in the middle of the shoulder muscle (halfway between the shoulder and the neck) and is accessed by pinching the muscle between the middle finger and thumb.
  • Large Intestine 6 or He Gu is located on the hand, at the highest point of the muscle between the thumb and forefinger when the fingers are together. It is commonly used for headache, stress, facial pain, toothaches, and neck pain. Since it may induce labor, it should not be used in pregnant women.
  • Pericardium 6 or Nei Guan is commonly used for nausea, upset stomach, and headaches. It is located three finger breadths below the wrist on the inner forearm in between the two tendons. (Some devices for motion sickness include a bracelet that applies pressure on this point.)
  • Triple Energizer 3 or Zhong Zhu is commonly used for headaches, shoulder or neck tension, and upper back pain. It is located in the groove between the tendons of the fourth and fifth finger, on the back of the hand.

To administer self-acupressure, apply strong pressure or firmly massage the acupoint for a few seconds to a few minutes. Relax and breathe deeply.

Possible side effects of acupressure: Some wristbands or other devices used to apply pressure (such as those used for motion sickness) may bruise the skin.

Who should not receive acupressure treatment for migraines

If you are pregnant, you should avoid acupressure treatment. Certain pressure points have been known to induce premature labor.

Do not apply pressure to acupressure points if they are located in areas of the skin where there are:
  • Bruises
  • Cuts
  • Breaks in the skin
  • Varicose veins

Use electronic acupuncture pen to replace acupuncture and acupressure - Electronic acupuncture for self-care:

- by video How Does an Acupuncture Pen Works - Treatment principle of Electronic Acupuncture Pen

electronic acupuncture pen

Product Specifications:
Item Type: Acupuncture & Moxibustion Therapy Device
Item Name: Electronic Automatic Acupuncture Pen
Material: Plastic/Metal
Condition: 100% Brand New 
Plug: US/UK/EU/AU (we will send it according to your country, if you have any requirements, please remark it in order or leave us a message, we will handle it for you,thank you!)
Product Indicates:
1. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, does no harm to human health
2. The NO.1 inteligent acupoint detection device of the Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy device industry,everyone can be a good TCM doctor at home
3. Iso13485 and CE approved
4. Utillity model patent
5. Appearance patent: CE Digital LCD display electric acupuncture point pen
Product Function:
1. Warming and activating meridian
2. Promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis
3. Relieve pain,improve immunity
4. Regularize internal secretion

Shipped within 24h, no invoice or any promotion information, valid tracking code, fast delivery: Click here

Related proposals: Natural synergy cure ____

The first and only program in the world that shows you: How to use Acu-Frequency to clear energy blockages to accelerate the natural functioning of your body and mind for ultimate health and wellbeing.

This ancient healing practice is based on the same principles as Acupuncture

But it’s far more effective

And much less invasive - requiring no needles whatsoever…

Comprehensive health program of Energy Medicine

The Natural Synergy system treats strong pain and a multitude of common ailments at its root cause while accelerating the body’s healing response.
Eastern medicine states that the root of all health problems (physical, mental & emotional) can be traced back to energy blockages in our meridian system.
Energy blockages are a result of many external influences such as poor diet, un-natural irritants, chemicals and pollutants.
The meridian system is best described as a network of energy lines.  Each meridian line is dotted with energy points called ‘acupoints’.
Acupoints are like ‘natural reset buttons’ for blocked energy and can be stimulated in a number of ways.
Energy Medicine
Natural Synergy

Acupuncture uses needles, Acupressure uses finger pressure, Electro-Acupuncture uses electricity, and Acu-Acoustic treatment uses Bio-frequencies.
Natural Synergy employs a combination of two Acu-therapies: Acupressure and Acu-Acoustics to extinguish strong pain while accelerating the healing process; much like Electro-Acupuncture but without the pain and discomfort of electric needles.
It's a process called Acu-FrequencyTM.
You can expect fantastic results with either of these acu-therapies; acupressure or acu-acoustics by itself…
But it turns into a holistic experience if you have some quiet time for deep
relaxation where you can apply both practices together.
And because you can do it by yourself at home you don’t need to spend countless hours (and thousands of dollars) on an acupuncturist.
Natural Synergy applies a simple non-invasive exercise that takes only 3 minutes a day…
Restoring the natural balance within your body; eliminating the root cause of your pain or ailment and maintaining a healthy free-flow of energy.

Natural Synergy


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  2. Hi I’m a sufferer of Idiopathic intracranial Hypertension. Which is high CFS (spinal fluid) on the brain I have for the last three months suffered daily head aches and daily migraines. It’s compleatly debilitating. The pain in my head is just unbearable. Has anyone had a similar experience and had there Daith pierced? I’m willing to try anything right now!
