Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective way to relieve common pregnancy discomforts by rebalancing the various systems in the body.
A short explanation of how acupuncture works: the surface of the human body is a map of its internal functioning. The meridian channels that run up and down the body are connected by acupuncture points. Pain means that chi is blocked along these channels. Acupuncture is a method used to clear the flow and create opening.
There are a number of pressure points that are contraindicated during pregnancy - they are the same points that are used to induce labor, so make sure yourself, your loved one (who has the good intention of giving you a massage!) or your massage therapist do not stimulate these points. Most of these points when stimulated move too much "chi", and therefore are not suitable for pregnancy. Points to avoid during pregnancy:
Always go to a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) who has a degree from an accredited school and a license from your state. Most education programs do not provide specialized trainings on pregnancy, so ask if the acupuncturist has treated pregnant clients before, or if s/he has received any post-grad training on prenatal care.
Learn more: Acupuncture and Pregnancy: Scientific evidence - Benefits - Ebook- Tools
Package / comprehensive solution - for acupuncture and acupuncture guidance during pregnancy: Natural synergy cure ____
A short explanation of how acupuncture works: the surface of the human body is a map of its internal functioning. The meridian channels that run up and down the body are connected by acupuncture points. Pain means that chi is blocked along these channels. Acupuncture is a method used to clear the flow and create opening.
How acupuncture works for sciatica
Meta-analysis shows acupuncture a clinically relevant option for sciatica
This meta-analysis compared 122 different studies to determine the clinical effectiveness of various treatment strategies for sciatica. Researchers found a statistically significant improvement in patients who received acupuncture. This study shows us that there are a variety of options to consider when treating sciatic pain and that acupuncture can be of particular therapeutic value, especially when coupled with other pain-management techniques. More information here: shown to have pain-relieving effect on sciatica
This study compared 2 methods for treating sciatic pain using acupuncture. Method 1 used 1-2 needles in the gluteal area. Method 2 called for several needles at various points on the body along with 1-2 needles in the gluteal area. Researchers found both methods to be successful, with method 1 providing slightly more relief. This finding is an indication that very few needles can be used to treat sciatic pain, as long as proper point selection is maintained. More information here: types of sciatic pain
Sciatic pain (sciatica) usually affects only one side of the body, with the pain extending from the lower back/buttocks down the leg. When asked to specify what they’re feeling, our patients with sciatic pain describe the following:
- Pain in the buttocks or leg that worsens with sitting
- Burning, tingling, or searing pain down the leg
- Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
- Constant pain on one side of the buttocks
- Shooting, sharp pain making it difficult to stand
Acupuncture for Sciatica during Pregnancy
Theory - a guide to practicing acupuncture during pregnancy
Here are a few pressure points that are useful for relieving some common pregnancy discomfort that you can try at home:- Apex of the head - massaging the top of the head in an uplifting motion lifts the chi and helps hold the pregnancy. It also treats hemorrhoids and prolapsed organs.
- Point at two fingers above the wrist (P6) - applying pressure to this point help alleviate nausea because it helps to hold the stomach chi down.
- Outside of leg - using a foam roller to massage and release the muscles can help ease sciatica.
There are a number of pressure points that are contraindicated during pregnancy - they are the same points that are used to induce labor, so make sure yourself, your loved one (who has the good intention of giving you a massage!) or your massage therapist do not stimulate these points. Most of these points when stimulated move too much "chi", and therefore are not suitable for pregnancy. Points to avoid during pregnancy:
- Points on sacrum - stimulation may be too opening and can cause baby to descend
- Point between the thumb and forefinger - it's used to treat headache, and courses the chi through the body which can be too stimulating
- Point located four fingers above the ankle - this point connects to the uterus and is used to increase contractions
- Points in the shoulder area around the trapezia - these points are considered downbearing and very opening, and can also be used during labor
Always go to a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) who has a degree from an accredited school and a license from your state. Most education programs do not provide specialized trainings on pregnancy, so ask if the acupuncturist has treated pregnant clients before, or if s/he has received any post-grad training on prenatal care.
Learn more: Acupuncture and Pregnancy: Scientific evidence - Benefits - Ebook- Tools
Self-care tool with acupuncture during pregnancy - pregnancy acupuncture at home
After we know the acupuncture points for acupuncture, we need an alternative to acupuncture needles: ElectroAcupuncture- These are the types of ElectroAcupuncture universal treatment: >>> Link for Acupuncture Pen - Universal Treatment
- And, these types of ElectroAcupuncture Mini types: >>> Acupuncture Pen - Mini Treatment
Package / comprehensive solution - for acupuncture and acupuncture guidance during pregnancy: Natural synergy cure ____
The first and only program in the world that shows you: How to use Acu-Frequency to clear energy blockages to accelerate the natural functioning of your body and mind for ultimate health and wellbeing.
Click Here Now to Test it Out!
This ancient healing practice is based on the same principles as Acupuncture
But it’s far more effective
And much less invasive - requiring no needles whatsoever…
This ancient healing practice is based on the same principles as Acupuncture
But it’s far more effective
And much less invasive - requiring no needles whatsoever…
Comprehensive health program of Energy Medicine
The Natural Synergy system treats strong pain and a multitude of common ailments at its root cause while accelerating the body’s healing response.Eastern medicine states that the root of all health problems (physical, mental & emotional) can be traced back to energy blockages in our meridian system.Energy blockages are a result of many external influences such as poor diet, un-natural irritants, chemicals and pollutants.The meridian system is best described as a network of energy lines. Each meridian line is dotted with energy points called ‘acupoints’.Acupoints are like ‘natural reset buttons’ for blocked energy and can be stimulated in a number of ways.
Acupuncture uses needles, Acupressure uses finger pressure, Electro-Acupuncture uses electricity, and Acu-Acoustic treatment uses Bio-frequencies.Natural Synergy employs a combination of two Acu-therapies: Acupressure and Acu-Acoustics to extinguish strong pain while accelerating the healing process; much like Electro-Acupuncture but without the pain and discomfort of electric needles.It's a process called Acu-FrequencyTM.You can expect fantastic results with either of these acu-therapies; acupressure or acu-acoustics by itself…But it turns into a holistic experience if you have some quiet time for deeprelaxation where you can apply both practices together.And because you can do it by yourself at home you don’t need to spend countless hours (and thousands of dollars) on an acupuncturist.Natural Synergy applies a simple non-invasive exercise that takes only 3 minutes a day…Restoring the natural balance within your body; eliminating the root cause of your pain or ailment and maintaining a healthy free-flow of energy.
I am living proof that eka herbal WORKS and can be incredibly useful to couples with infertility issues. My husband and I found out I was pregnant after over 6 years of desperately trying. We were both checked but the doctors could find nothing. I ordered eka herbal medication after hearing numerous success stories of other women using your recommendations. As soon as I started implementing the instructions including doing some acupuncture with your guidance, I could see a dramatic improvement of my health within days and within 2 months we had a new little one on the way! I have gone through years of disappointment never believing it could happen to. It did. Contact eka on via (