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Electro Acupuncture, TENS and Headaches
What exactly are headaches?
Headaches occur for a variety of reasons. More often than not, the cause is either stress, tension or anxiety. They can also be due to emotional stress, eye strain, infection, too much or too little sleep, head injury and even changes in the weather.
Migraines often start with a throbbing headache centered above the eye or begins at the back of the head and spreads to one side.
Cluster headaches come in clusters of time. These painful attacks affect the forehead, temple and behind the eye. In severe cases, the eye and pupil become smaller.
Tension Headaches result from muscle tightening in the neck and head. The muscle contraction leads to a slightly decreased blood flow to the surrounding areas and irritation of the pain fibers in the skin, muscles and blood vessel walls.
TENS Gets Approved By FDA For Migraine Relief
A TENS unit or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation unit works to prevent and relieve pain. It delivers small bursts of electrical impulses in harmless quantities to areas where pain is occurring. Recently, the FDA has approved a type of TENS which can be used specifically to treat migraine headaches. Medical News Today writes: “The US Food and Drug Administration has given its first approval for the marketing of a device for preventing migraine headaches. The federal agency says the device, which comes in the form of a headband that delivers a nerve-stimulating low electrical current, may bring relief to patients who cannot tolerate current migraine drugs.”
The approval of this device has caused many more of its kind to be imagined and further research into possible migraine treatment alternative to be completed. The scientific community is still working hard within his field to someday find a way to halt migraine pain altogether. Due to its association with the brain, it has been found to be very different than most typical headaches, and therefore much more difficult to treat, particularly in chronic cases.
The cause of migraines vary from person to person, although genetics do tend to be an underlying reason. Lack of sleep, allergies, poor eating habits, dehydration, and obesity can also contribute to this condition.
What is the best headache treatment? TENS or electro acupuncture?
Electric acupuncture is better, if you have a doctor / specialist. However, you can treat yourself with PENS.Advantages of PENS:
- Cost savings
- Easy to do
Manual document - Acupressure to Heal Migraine - 6 Most Important Regions to Relieve Migraine and Headaches:
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