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Refined Medicine And Herbal Remedies For Gout

Contrary to popular belief, gout is not usually caused by overindulgence, although excess alcohol and some medicines, such as diuretics (which encourage urine excretion), increase the risk. This is a disorder of the body chemistry in which too much uric acid and its compounds (urates) accumulate in the blood.

Refined medicine and herbal remedies for gout

Acid and urate crystals collect in one or more joints, causing attacks of severe pain, swelling and redness. The joint at the base of the big toe is often affected. Repeated attacks can damage the bones of the joints. The crystals can also collect in the kidneys, causing kidney stone, kidney failure and high blood pressure and in the skin where they form hard lumps, most commonly on the ears, fingers and toes.

Diagnosis of gout is done with a blood test.

What Natural Docs Recommend:

A largely vegetarian diet with plenty of salads is advised to counter excess uric acid production. Red meat, coffee, alcohol and refined carbohydrates such as sugar are particularly to be avoided. During a severe attack cold ice packs may help.

Homoeopathy: When the pain feels like a bad bruise and your are afraid to touch it, the herbal remedy Arnica is prescribed.  The homeopathic remedy belladonna is prescribed when the joint is hot, red, swollen and painfully tender. Colchicum is recommended when your pain shifts from joint to joint and you feel is angry and irritable. Urtica urens is for intense itching, burning and swelling during a severe attack.

Biochemic Tissue Salts: The usual remedy prescribed is Nat.phos. and is taken four times a day to neutralize the uric acid present. It can be alternated with Nat.Sulph, which is believed to help eliminate toxins.

Refined medicine and herbal remedies for gout:

1. 120g box relieves gout reduces high uric acid and purine to relieve fatigue stress health care:

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