When you have gout, it is very unlikely that you will be able to be as active as you would like to be but now it is possible to find treatments for this condition that occur naturally. Using herbs for gout is one of the possible options you could consider. The pain of gout has often been described as though there are sharp shards of glass in the joints leaving the sufferer almost unable to walk, however, more and more people are turning to natural remedies to relieve the pain and in some instances, never have an attack again.
Herbs for Gout That Can Help to Heal
You may think that using herbs for gout is not a very good option, but with a little patience, it has been proven that they do actually work. Herbal medicine has been used for the treatment of different ailments for centuries. Today, herbal remedies are becoming popular for two reasons; one is that they are significantly cheaper than the medical compounds manufactured by drug companies, and two is that there are none of the side effects associated with using traditional medicines. When you add to this the fact that most herbal medicines can be purchased just by going to your local grocery supermarket, then one can see the convenience of taking the herbal route.
Herbs that could help with the relief of gout are numerous and by researching the web you will find some herbs that may even be growing in your own back yard. By looking at the properties of different plants you will soon discover if there are any herbs for gout in your region, but herbs alone will not cure this condition, they are just a part of the treatment. It is important that a healthy diet is maintained with eating less high Purine foods and more foods that contain antioxidants.
For those suffering from gout, relief is not far away if they have a look at their herb and spice rack in the kitchen; ginger and turmeric are two of the herbs that could help with the pain, as will the seeds of celery. The drinking of black cherry juice in concentrated form is also recognized as a good aid for the pain, so when looking at herbs for gout, remember that they will act as an aid when used in conjunction with a controlled healthy diet. So take a look in your cupboards, you may be closer than you think to some pain relief for gout.
Natural Herbs For Gout - Treating Gout Naturally With Herbal Remedies
Natural herbs for gout can be your ticket to completely cure gout. It is true that there is no medicated cure for gout, however, there is a natural cure for this disease and part of the treatment is trying herbal remedies. Gout herbal remedies have been around for centuries but have only been researched for the past decade. These herb remedies work by treating the cause of gout, uric acid.
As you probably have heard, this disease is caused when too much uric acid in the body forms into uric crystals between joints. In most cases, these crystals form between the joints in the big toe. When this occurs, you can literally be bed-ridden for days. Sound familiar?
Here are some herbs to neutralize the uric acid and help with curing and preventing this disease.
Natural Herbs for Gout
- Alfalfa has been shown to be an excellent herb to supplement because its ability to neutralize uric acid levels. Alfalfa is also high in minerals and nutrients which can help dramatically reduce the levels of acid in the blood stream.
- Anthocyanosides are important because they are nature's antinflammatory compound. An herb that is an excellent source of anthocyanosides is bilberry. Bilberry is also helpful because it contains flavonoids which are also anti-inflammatory. You can find bilberry at any health food store.
- Both burdoch and black cohash have been shown to neutralize uric acid and control the acid levels in the blood.
- The herb buchu which can be used in tea has been shown to not only dissolve uric acid crystals by also help the body flush the uric acid.
- Cayenne pepper also has been a common treatment for aching joints. One treatment with cayenne pepper is to combine one tablespoon of cayenne with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Mix thoroughly and use a sponge or washcloths to apply to affected joint.
- Celery seeds tea has also been shown to help with curing gout because it has nearly 20 different types of anti-inflammatory properties. You should boil one tablespoon with 2 cups of water and strain. This tea tastes great plus is very beneficial for flushing the gout causing crystals.
Herbs for gout - natural extracts and traditional medicine
The following links are selected listings of Herbs For Gout:
- box relieves gout reduces high uric acid
- 40 pcs/2 Packs Blood Uric Acid Balance Tea for Joint pain edema inflammation Gout Treatment Reduce fat pure natural herbs Tea
- 30pcs Blood Uric Acid Balance lower uric acid treatment gout remedios natural acido urico
- Australia Swisse High Strength Celery 5000mg 50 Capsules Support Rheumatism Gout Strengthen Nourish Relax the Nervous System
- Good Health Celery Seed 12000mg 60Caps Support Healthy Uric Acid Levels Joint Urinary Tract Normal Fluid Balance Rheumatism Gout
- Original Australia BM Celery Support Relieve Occasional episodes of gout Symptoms Mild Rheumatic Aches Pains Mild Osteoarthritis
Natural extracts and traditional medicine:
More details: box relieves gout reduces high uric acid
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First, let me tell you: you have all my sympathy. I know exactly what you're going through.
When I had gout it was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. I honestly thought I was going to suffer it for the rest of my life.
I know gout will be pretty unpleasant for you too. But what do we do about it?
Eat less meat? Drink less alcohol? Drink more water? Follow the usual advice?
I did all that. It made zero difference to me. The pain remained as bad as ever.
Our doctors mean well but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it.
That’s not what a gout sufferer wants. I wanted that disease cured, not managed. I’m guessing you’re the same.
Yet researchers from the US and Europe have already worked out what causes gout.
In fact, they’ve known for some years now.
And there is a drugs-free natural health program that turns that knowledge into a cure. It has now worked for thousands of us.
It’s not complicated. I had gout for three years. I got rid of it in four weeks.
Since then?
More than two years with no flare-ups. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.
It’s your turn now. Let me tell you how it works.
==> The End of Gout
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