Friday, March 13, 2020

Herbs For Gout

When you have gout, it is very unlikely that you will be able to be as active as you would like to be but now it is possible to find treatments for this condition that occur naturally. Using herbs for gout is one of the possible options you could consider. The pain of gout has often been described as though there are sharp shards of glass in the joints leaving the sufferer almost unable to walk, however, more and more people are turning to natural remedies to relieve the pain and in some instances, never have an attack again.

Herbs For Gout

Herbs for Gout That Can Help to Heal

You may think that using herbs for gout is not a very good option, but with a little patience, it has been proven that they do actually work. Herbal medicine has been used for the treatment of different ailments for centuries. Today, herbal remedies are becoming popular for two reasons; one is that they are significantly cheaper than the medical compounds manufactured by drug companies, and two is that there are none of the side effects associated with using traditional medicines. When you add to this the fact that most herbal medicines can be purchased just by going to your local grocery supermarket, then one can see the convenience of taking the herbal route.

Herbs that could help with the relief of gout are numerous and by researching the web you will find some herbs that may even be growing in your own back yard. By looking at the properties of different plants you will soon discover if there are any herbs for gout in your region, but herbs alone will not cure this condition, they are just a part of the treatment. It is important that a healthy diet is maintained with eating less high Purine foods and more foods that contain antioxidants.

For those suffering from gout, relief is not far away if they have a look at their herb and spice rack in the kitchen; ginger and turmeric are two of the herbs that could help with the pain, as will the seeds of celery. The drinking of black cherry juice in concentrated form is also recognized as a good aid for the pain, so when looking at herbs for gout, remember that they will act as an aid when used in conjunction with a controlled healthy diet. So take a look in your cupboards, you may be closer than you think to some pain relief for gout.

Natural Herbs For Gout - Treating Gout Naturally With Herbal Remedies

Natural herbs for gout can be your ticket to completely cure gout. It is true that there is no medicated cure for gout, however, there is a natural cure for this disease and part of the treatment is trying herbal remedies. Gout herbal remedies have been around for centuries but have only been researched for the past decade. These herb remedies work by treating the cause of gout, uric acid.

As you probably have heard, this disease is caused when too much uric acid in the body forms into uric crystals between joints. In most cases, these crystals form between the joints in the big toe. When this occurs, you can literally be bed-ridden for days. Sound familiar?

Here are some herbs to neutralize the uric acid and help with curing and preventing this disease.

Natural Herbs for Gout

  1. Alfalfa has been shown to be an excellent herb to supplement because its ability to neutralize uric acid levels. Alfalfa is also high in minerals and nutrients which can help dramatically reduce the levels of acid in the blood stream.
  2. Anthocyanosides are important because they are nature's antinflammatory compound. An herb that is an excellent source of anthocyanosides is bilberry. Bilberry is also helpful because it contains flavonoids which are also anti-inflammatory. You can find bilberry at any health food store.
  3. Both burdoch and black cohash have been shown to neutralize uric acid and control the acid levels in the blood.
  4. The herb buchu which can be used in tea has been shown to not only dissolve uric acid crystals by also help the body flush the uric acid.
  5. Cayenne pepper also has been a common treatment for aching joints. One treatment with cayenne pepper is to combine one tablespoon of cayenne with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Mix thoroughly and use a sponge or washcloths to apply to affected joint.
  6. Celery seeds tea has also been shown to help with curing gout because it has nearly 20 different types of anti-inflammatory properties. You should boil one tablespoon with 2 cups of water and strain. This tea tastes great plus is very beneficial for flushing the gout causing crystals.

Herbs for gout - natural extracts and traditional medicine

The following links are selected listings of Herbs For Gout:

Natural extracts and traditional medicine:

Natural extracts and traditional medicine

Recommended for you:

First, let me tell you: you have all my sympathy. I know exactly what you're going through. 

When I had gout it was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. I honestly thought I was going to suffer it for the rest of my life. 

I know gout will be pretty unpleasant for you too. But what do we do about it?

Eat less meat? Drink less alcohol? Drink more water? Follow the usual advice?

I did all that. It made zero difference to me. The pain remained as bad as ever. 

Our doctors mean well but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it. 

That’s not what a gout sufferer wants. I wanted that disease cured, not managed. I’m guessing you’re the same. 

Yet researchers from the US and Europe have already worked out what causes gout. 
In fact, they’ve known for some years now.

And there is a drugs-free natural health program that turns that knowledge into a cure. It has now worked for thousands of us. 

It’s not complicated. I had gout for three years. I got rid of it in four weeks. 

Since then?

More than two years with no flare-ups. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout. 

It’s your turn now.  Let me tell you how it works. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Natural Remedy For Uric Acid

One of the main problems with pharmaceutical drugs rather than using natural remedies for gout is that most of these drugs do not cure gout, but instead simply mask the pain and discomfort. In some cases the lack of pain fools people into thinking that they can use the affected joint instead of resting it, thereby causing even more damage and pain later on.

As you may already know if you have an understanding of what causes gout is that the problem is developed by the build up of tiny uric acid crystals in body joints caused by high levels of uric acid in the body. Natural remedies for gout addresses this problem by decreasing the uric acid levels in the blood which in turn will diminish the build up of the pain causing uric acid crystals.

Another advantage of going with natural remedies for gout is that your gout treatment plan focuses on common sense foods and lifestyle changes such as following a gout diet and knowing the foods to avoid with gout rather than relying on pain-killers and other artificial means as a treatment of gout.

Many of the natural remedies for gout form the basis for most of the gout home remedies that have become very popular online and in bookstores in recent years.

 Natural Remedy For Gout

Natural Remedy For Gout - Is it Effective?

When you have gout, there is pain unlike any other. You might think that such a severe pain involves severe and aggressive methods. You might be surprised at how effective natural remedy for gout can be.

Gout happens when our body transforms uric acid into sharp crystals that settles in the joints. When this happens, there occurs inflammation which causes stiffness and pain.

This usually starts on the big toe, a condition known as podagra. After some time, it can spread to many different areas and joints in the body such as the ankles, wrists, fingers, elbows and the heels-practically anywhere that has joints. The formation of uric acid can not be totally prevented. Many of the foods we eat contain purines which are converted by our body into uric acid. In normal bodily processes, this acid is synthesized by the blood and then goes through our kidneys in the form of urine.

The problem arises when there are too much of the production of this and not all of them are eliminated. The wastes not eliminated stay in our body and converted to crystals that settle in the joints.

There are so many factors that generate this disease. One of which is genetics. Statistics say that 20% of people with this problem have a history of this in their family.

It is actually more common in men than in women. Our weight, the alcohol and food we consume can all be huge contributing factors. Meats are high in purine, so a high intake of this can lead to high levels of uric acid which will cause difficulty to our body in eliminating it.

This disease often shares symptoms from other diseases. This is why it is important to go for medical check-up so that your doctor can better make a prognosis of your condition.

The symptoms can be suppressed to enable the person to live the way they have lived before the attack of this disease. It is also important to not just settle for a singular method of treatment but to try many other things that can help.

Aside from anti-inflammatory drugs, why not also go for a natural remedy for gout? Natural means, no drugs are included, no chemicals, no clinically manufactured stuffs.

Why not try to make better dietary choices? Skip the meat and opt for tofu instead. This will not only improve joint problems but heart and problems as well. It is like hitting two birds in one stone. Gradually try to get a more active lifestyle. Jogging or brisk walking can do you a world of good. Not only will you be able to commune with nature and de-stress in the same breath but you can also strengthen you body and improve your physique.

Include in your regimen home and herbal remedies that are effective in treating this disease. Try drinking black cherry juice everyday. This hinders the production of uric acid and can help eliminate it easier.

And while we are already on the topic of natural remedies, why don't you try a naturally manufactured product called Gout-Gone?

This is not a prescription medication. This is a homeopathic remedy made from natural biochemic tissue salts. This product can relieve the primary symptoms of this disease such as pain, inflammation and swelling. This makes way for easier elimination of uric acid to prevent it from building up in the joints.

How To Control Uric Acid Levels And Avoid Gouty Arthritis, Kidney Stones And Renal Failure

High levels of uric acid in the blood, also called hyperuricemia, can result from either increased production of uric acid in the body or decreased excretion of it through the kidneys.

Natural Remedy For Uric Acid

It can further lead to problems like gouty arthritis (uric acid crystals deposit in joints, typically in the big toe), kidney stones and renal failure.

Recent studies have also associated high blood uric acid levels with hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Normal uric acid levels are:
  • Men: 3.4–7.0mg/dL
  • Women: 2.4–6.0 mg/dL
The values may vary at different labs.
Factors that can contribute to a high uric acid level include a diet high in purines (purines are broken down into uric acid), excess alcohol consumption, renal insufficiency, obesity, underactive thyroid, genetics, endocrine or metabolic conditions like diabetes or acidosis, and certain other diseases.
Certain cancers, chemotherapy agents and other medications, such as diuretics, may also contribute to it. Exercising, fasting and crash dieting may elevate uric acid levels temporarily.
There are some tips and natural remedies that can help reduce and control uric acid levels. In addition, proper diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare professional is a must.
Here are the top 10 ways to control uric acid levels:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Being a natural cleanser and detoxifierapple cider vinegar can help remove wastes like uric acid from the body.
It contains malic acid that helps break down and eliminate uric acid. Apple cider vinegar also helps restore the alkaline acid balance in the body and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
  1. Add one teaspoon of raw, organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  2. Drink this solution two or three times a day.
You can gradually increase the amount of apple cider vinegar up to two tablespoons per glass of water and continue this remedy until your uric acid levels come down.
Note: Do not take apple cider vinegar in excess as it may decrease potassium levels in the body. Also, it may interfere with diuretic drugs.
2. Lemon Juice
Though it may seem that lemon juice will make the body more acidic, in actuality, it produces an alkaline effect and helps neutralize uric acid. Plus, its vitamin C content also helps lower uric acid levels.
  1. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of warm water. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue for at least a few weeks.
  2. You can also take vitamin C supplements. For proper dosage and suitability, consult your doctor.
3. Cherries
Cherries and dark berries contain chemicals that help reduce uric acid levels. Plus, purple and blue-colored berries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins that help lower uric acid and reduce inflammation and stiffness.
  1. Eat one-half cup of cherries daily for a few weeks. You can also drink one or two cups of tart cherry juice for about four weeks.
  2. Also, add blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, and other vitamin C and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet.
4. Baking Soda
Baking soda, also called sodium bicarbonate, is highly beneficial for lowering uric acid levels and reducing gout pain. It helps maintain the natural alkaline balance in the body and makes the uric acid more soluble and easier to flush out of the kidneys.
  1. Mix one-half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  2. Drink up to four glasses of this daily for two weeks. You can drink it every two to four hours.
Note: Do not take this remedy on a regular basis. Also, do not follow this remedy if you suffer from high blood pressure. People age 60 or older should not drink more than three glasses of this baking soda solution daily.
5. Olive Oil
Most vegetable oils turn into rancid fats when heated or processed. The rancid fats destroy the vital vitamin E in the body, which is essential for controlling uric acid levels.
Opt for cold-pressed olive oil rather than using vegetable oil, butter or shortening in your cooking and baking.
Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats that remain stable when heated. Plus, it is high in vitamin E and antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory benefits.
6. Water
Drinking plenty of water helps optimize uric acid filtering. It helps dilute the uric acid and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate excess amounts from the body through urine.
Plus, drinking adequate water regularly can reduce the risk of recurrent gout attacks.
In an internet-based study presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, researchers found that participants who drank five to eight glasses of water in the 24-hour period prior to a possible gout attack had a 40 percent decreased risk of an attack compared with those who drank only one glass of water or less.
  1. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water throughout the day.
  2. Also, include more fluids and fresh, water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Recommended for you:

...a gout cure, which has worked for thousands of people already. 

It's not complicated. Most people get rid of their gout in days.

No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout. 

It's your turn now. Click here, and I'll tell you how it works...

7. A Low-Purine Diet
Purines are nitrogen-containing compounds that break down into uric acid, thus increasing levels in the body. They are mostly found in animal proteins.
Steer clear of animal proteins like meats, organ meats, fish and poultry. Legumes, yeast, mushrooms, asparagus and beans are also high in purine. Beer, too, is rich in purine.
8. High-Fiber Foods and Starchy Carbohydrates
Foods high in dietary fiber help lower uric acid levels by absorbing it and then eliminating it from the body. You can also eat foods with starchy carbohydrates as they contain only small amounts of purine.
Whole grains, apples, pears, oranges and strawberries are some examples of high-fiber foods that you can incorporate in your diet. Starchy carbohydrates are foods like rice, whole grain pasta, tapioca (also called sabudana), quinoa, potato, oats and bananas.
You can also drink green papaya tea to prevent the buildup of uric acid and treat uric acid and gout related problems. The papain in green papaya helps the body maintain an alkaline state and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
9. Dairy Products
Low-fat milk and dairy products have been associated with lower plasma urate concentrations and reduced risk of gout.
Skim milk, for example, contains orotic acid that decreases the re-absorption of uric acid and promotes its removal through the kidneys.
  1. Drink one to five cups of skim milk daily.
  2. You can also include low-fat yogurt and other dairy products in your diet.
Tofu, too, can help alter plasma protein concentration and increase uric acid clearance. Soy milk, however, has been found to increase uric acid.
10. Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass helps restore alkalinity in the blood. Plus, it is rich in vitamin C, chlorophyll and phytochemicals that promote detoxification. It is also a good source of protein and amino acids as an alternative to eating animal protein.
Simply drink one ounce (two tablespoons) of wheatgrass juice mixed with a squeeze of lemon juice daily until your uric acid level comes down.
Additional Tips
  • Limit your alcohol intake as it interferes with the elimination of uric acid.
  • Avoid high-fructose corn syrup or glucose-fructose syrup as they tend to increase uric acid levels.
  • Get regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight. It is believed that fatty tissue tends to increase uric acid production.
  • Eat a balanced diet that is high in complex carbohydrates and low in protein. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes and candies.
  • Cut back on foods high in fat as it lowers the body’s ability to eliminate uric acid.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

How Accurate Is A Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

Almost all people have used blood pressure monitors in the doctor's office so we know that they go around the upper arm. For individuals having high blood pressure, it's always best to monitor their BP readings regularly. If you are hypertensive, BP may rise at any time or even too quickly but you won't know about it. There are little to no symptoms when hypertension occurs, so it's imperative to have your BP checked and monitored in a regular basis. However, a frequent visit to your doctor for just checking your BP is inconvenient and costly. Having your own BP monitor at home always helps you to be aware of your BP. However, digital arm monitors like you used in doctor's office are expensive. The less expensive alternative nowadays is the digital wrist blood pressure monitor which you can carry around anywhere as it is so compact that it can be slipped easily into a purse or bag.

Image represents How Accurate Is A Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

How Accurate Is A Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
- photo by ECG+PPG Heart Rate digital Blood Pressure meter Fitness Tracker Waterproof Smartwatch

Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors - Accuracy of Digital Wrist BP Monitors

There are many advantages in having a wrist blood pressure monitor rather than having a traditional BP monitor which include portability and ease of use. For some people, wrist blood pressure monitors have accuracy issues and they have encountered accuracy problems themselves with these monitors. These BP monitors are actually designed to give accurate readings. In fact, they display an error message if the system detects discrepancies in the readings. Accuracy can only be a problem if the wrist blood pressure monitor is not used properly, and the most common problem arises when it's not held at the level of the heart which may cause it to inaccurately read the pressure.

The wrist blood pressure monitor is just as accurate as the commonly used automatic BP monitor at free public health screenings. To get an accurate reading, one should hold it at the level of the heart or it can be used while lying down as an alternative. Another good thing about the wrist BP monitor is that it can be used by all members of the family because its cuff doesn't need to be customized for only one user. There are so many models to choose from and the price varies according to the wrist BP monitor's features and extras. With this portable device, you can monitor your BP, have a record of the readings so you can show the readings to your doctor when it's time to take a visit to your doctor's office.

A digital wrist blood pressure monitor [Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor] is a great device to monitor your BP at home especially if you are hypertensive. To see what wrist BP monitor suits your needs, visit [Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor] for a list of wrist BP monitors and their comprehensive reviews from the people who actually used them.

What is the most accurate blood pressure monitor for home use?

The best value blood pressure monitor

Most people that monitor their blood pressure at home are concerned about hypertension, or high blood pressure. Hypertension doesn’t have any serious immediate effects, but it can definitely damage you over a long period of time. According to the Mayo Clinic, half of people that do nothing about their high blood pressure die of ischemic heart disease and another third end up dying from strokes. There are many different causes of high blood pressure, ranging from obesity to family history. Fortunately, there are also many ways to control high blood pressure once you’ve identified the problem.

One way to protect yourself against the dangers of hypertension is to get in the habit of monitoring your blood pressure at home. All kinds of blood pressure monitors are available via the internet, ranging from digital smart blood pressure monitors to easy to use devices that can measure your blood pressure at your wrist and more.

Criteria for evaluating blood pressure monitor - How to Find the Best Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor

  1. Ask your doctor. Your health care provider is probably the best person who can make a recommendation when it comes to taking care of your health. Some blood pressure monitors come with extra features that you may or may not need. Your doctor will let you know what kind of knowledge he or she requires to manage your condition better, and therefore advise you on what sort of equipment is appropriate for you.
  2. Ask your friends or relatives. Do you know someone who is regularly monitoring his or her blood pressure at home? Find out what kind of BP monitor he or she uses, ask what they like about it the best and the least, and see if they find it helpful enough to recommend to others for their own use at home or while traveling.
  3. Go to a medical supplies store and test several models. Find out which ones are the most user-friendly for you, one that you will feel comfortable using several times a day every day.

Another helpful thing to do is to read up on which automatic blood pressure monitors have the best reviews. There are hundreds of them online, shared by people who have actually bought and used those products.

Find the Best Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor to Use at Home or on the Road

Trying to select the best wrist blood pressure monitor to buy for home use can be a frustrating task for a lot of people. With all the available brands out there, how do choose the right one for yourself or for a loved one?

One of the things you can do to narrow down your search is to read up on which ones are highly rated or recommended by trusted sources such as Consumer Reports, the American Heart Association (AHA) and the British Hypertension Society. In addition to giving advice on which self-monitors to consider buying, these and other similar authority Web sites also give instructions on how to use a wrist monitor properly in order to ensure an accurate reading.

Using a blood pressure measurement device involves more than just slapping the cuff on your wrist and then squeezing the attached rubber ball (or pressing a button, if you have the automatic type of product) to inflate the cuff. You also have to make sure that the cuff is inflated to the right level and that your arm and wrist are at heart level. Fortunately, most of today's automatic blood pressure monitors self-inflate to the appropriate tightness and warn you if you aren't using the device properly.

In addition to learning about what medical experts say about health devices, another way that can assist you make a choice about which wrist self-monitor to buy is to read reviews and ratings of them by users who have actually bought and used the product. There are several sites that feature hundreds or even thousands of such consumer reviews. A lot of them will tell you why they prefer the wrist-type monitor over the biceps and finger blood pressure monitors. They also explain what they feel are the product's good and bad sides.

What is the most accurate blood pressure monitor for home use?

When people think about a blood pressure monitor, they recall their last visit to the doctor's office and the bulky machine that was used. Modern monitors developed specifically for home use are very different and are made to be simple and lightweight. In most cases, you just need to push a button, relax, and let the monitor do its work. If you are unsure if you are following the instructions correctly, then take the monitor to your personal doctor and request for a quick demonstration. It is also a good idea to take at least two readings in succession and use the average reading of the two results. Remember that these devices are made for home use and are not not as sophisticated as the monitors used at the hospital or at your doctor's office.

When shopping for a blood pressure monitor, it is crucial to keep a few factors in mind. Because you are purchasing medical equipment, you will want to make sure that the device is medical grade certified and also FDA approved. This way, you can be sure that you are getting accurate readings. Do not purchase a device only because of its price, size or weight. Another way to make sure you make your purchase from a credible company is to ask your doctor for recommendations. Often times, your doctor will be able to provide you with useful sources that you may not have found on your own.

Here are The Best Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors you can buy:

Blood Pressure Exercises
The effectiveness of our exercises has been proven by numerous studies. Thousands of people have benefited from them.
  • Effective
  • Easy
  • Quick
More Details:  The Blood Pressure Exercises
On this page, I’ll explain the three blood pressure exercises in details. And how exactly you can use them to reverse your blood pressure- starting today.

Most importantly, they have NO side effects!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Cause of Chronic Hyperglycemia Leads to Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that occurs due to high blood glucose in the blood. Elevated blood glucose can damage nerves throughout the body, however, the effect is usually most pronounced in the upper and lower limbs.

Diabetic neuropathy is usually divided into two main groups:
  1. Peripheral neuropathy (affects peripheral nerves of the body such as nerves in the arms, legs, cranial nerves)
  2. and autonomic neuropathy (which is the nerve that controls the activities of organs like the stomach, intestines, heart, urinary system)

The cause of chronic hyperglycemia leads to peripheral neuropathy

Nerve damage to nerves and blood vessels is a major factor in diabetic neuropathy.

Elevated blood glucose causes damage to the nerves and decreases the speed of nerve conduction. The exact mechanism of injury is not known. In addition, the small blood vessels that feed the damaged nerve cause oxygen and nutrient supply to nerves to decline.

Many other factors also contribute to nerve damage in patients with diabetes:
  • Inflammation in the nerve due to an autoimmune reaction: occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly believes that nerves are foreign objects and attack the nerve. (Note: The immune system is the system that is responsible for preventing the entry of foreign objects into the body such as bacteria, toxic chemicals ...)
  • Genetic factors.
  • Smoking cigarettes, alcoholism: damaging nerves, blood vessels, and also increases the risk of infection. Tobacco causes narrowing and stiffening of the blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the extremities, making long-term healing and also contributing to nerve damage.
  • The duration of diabetes: the longer you become ill (especially when blood glucose is not stable well), the risk of neurological disease increases. Peripheral neuropathy is most common in diabetics who have been ill for 25 years or more.
  • Chronic kidney disease: when a diabetic patient has chronic kidney disease, the toxins that increase in the blood can further damage the nerves.
Learn about solutions for peripheral neuropathy:
More details for Peripheral Neuropathy Physiotherapy - Red Light Soothing For Plantar Fasciitis-Neuropathy-Tired Feet:

What are the neurological complications of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are diverse, vary depending on the organ involved. Symptoms are often very faint, so the patient may not care until the doctor finds that a serious injury has occurred. The affected period is as follows:

1. Peripheral complications

This is the most common presentation and the feet on either side are the first symptom area. After that, the symptoms will spread to the legs or appear more on the hands. Symptoms are usually symmetrical on both sides of the limbs. Patients often feel:
  • Numbness, decreased awareness of pain, hot and cold, especially in the feet. Patients often dropped sandals, trampled sharp objects, wounds without even knowing it.
  • Stinging, burning sensation.
  • Burning sensation, usually increasing at night.
  • Pain when walking.
  • Sometimes patients have symptoms of hypersensitivity: even the slightest touch the patient also feels a lot of pain.
  • Muscle weakness and difficulty walking.
  • Foot ulcers, infections, deformity of the feet, pain in the joints when the disease has progressed
More details for Diabetic Neuropathy of the Feet:

2. Autonomic neurological complications

Because the autonomic nerve is the system that controls many different organs on the body, the symptoms of the disease will vary depending on the organ being injured. Detail:
  • In the eye: the pupil loses reflexes with light, darkness, or blinding vision
  • In the digestive system: stomach cramps slow down so the patient often feels bloated after eating; have choking sensation, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite; constipation or diarrhea, especially nocturnal diarrhea or constipation mixed with diarrhea.
  • In the cardiovascular system: resting tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension (when changing posture from lying to sitting or standing suddenly, the patient feels dizzy, lightheaded, sometimes fainting due to lowering blood pressure) . At the same time, patients lose the sense of alert when hypoglycemia such as feeling hungry, sweating, fear, heart palpitations ...; Therefore, if not treated promptly (eg, eating, drinking sugar water), the patient may become comatose quickly.
  • In the urinary system, genitals: stagnation of urine in the bladder (also called the nerve bladder) for a long time leads to urinary tract infection. Patients may also urinate many times, difficult to hold urine. Erectile dysfunction in men, decreased pleasure in women, vaginal dryness.
  • In the skin: increased or decreased sweating, disorders regulating body temperature, hot and cold erratic.

3. Other nerve damage

Uncommon cases are neurological complications that occur only on one nerve, causing monopathy (also known as local neuropathy) with common symptoms are double vision, pain behind the sockets of the eyes if damaged. damage to the nerves of the eye; facial paralysis, distorted mouth, difficulty speaking due to one-sided nerve damage; pain in the lower legs, feet, pain in the front of the thigh, chest pain, abdominal pain ... when hurting the sensory fibers corresponding to the dominant area.

If diabetic neuropathy affects the nerves and nerves moderately, then manifestations of plexus-root disease. This complication is often seen in older people with type 2 diabetes and symptoms usually occur on one side or sometimes on or side with injuries to the thighs, hips, buttocks, lower legs. Patients with severe pain suddenly appear in the thighs, abdomen, thigh muscles weak and atrophic, difficult to change posture from sitting to standing.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Physiotherapy for Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy

Physiotherapy - Rehabilitation for peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a common disease nowadays, in case of mild pain, the person can still walk and work normally. If severe pain greatly affects the ability to work.

In particular: Sciatica is the largest nerve in the body. Sciatica comes from the lumbar spine, running from the back to the back of the calves, lower legs, and feet. Sciatica is a common osteoarthritis disease caused by sciatica or injury, causing pain.

Peripheral neuropathy affects labor capacity, limits the patient's daily activities, gradually causes muscle atrophy, even leading to disability. There are currently a number of treatments for sciatica: medical treatment, surgery or therapy - rehabilitation.

If you are considering seeking rehabilitation or home treatment facilities, you can refer to the following for more objective information and assessments.

1. Physiotherapy for patients with peripheral neuropathy at a medical facility

At the health facility, peripheral neuropathy and pain will be significantly reduced and patients will gradually improve their sciatic condition thanks to modern devices such as:
  • Stretching machine reduces spinal pressure
  • Pressure reducing device
  • Rehabilitation machine
  • Shockwave shockwave
  • Generation IV laser
  • And more

The treatment for peripheral neuropathy includes chiropractors, which combine physical therapy exercises and state-of-the-art equipment to directly impact the cause of the disease.

2. Physiotherapy for patients with peripheral neuropathy at home

Buy physiotherapy equipment with the guidance of a doctor, you can treat Peripheral Neuropathy at home. Here are some physiotherapy equipment for Peripheral Neuropathy.

physiotherapy equipment for Peripheral Neuropathy

List of selected devices:

Indispensable guide and comes with physiotherapy equipment for Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy

You should add a tutorial program for Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy that comes with physiotherapy equipment.

The key to successfully treating the patient with peripheral neuropathy is for the doctor to perform in-depth and sometimes "out of the box" testing to uncover underlying causes, such as gluten intolerance, vitamin deficiencies, and drug-reactions or side effects. Once the underlying cause (or causes) is determined, the solution will be apparent.

Indispensable guide for Chronic Peripheral NeuropathyHow to End Chronic
Peripheral Neuropathy & Diabetic Nerve PainWithout Drugs, Surgery or Guesswork

Treating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and treating the patient who has peripheral neuropathy are two very different scenarios. The difference is paramount to successful outcomes and requires the full cooperation of the peripheral neuropathy patient. Are you ready for change? If so, consider looking into the wonderful world of drug-free, surgery-free care for peripheral neuropathy.